Thank you for your purchase
What happens now?
Thank you very much for your registration.
What happens now? You should immediately receive an automatic e-mail confirmation from us for your paid amount.
We will then send you an invoice within the next few days.
We will notify you separately when you have paid the full amount for the trip.
Hereafter, we will regularly send a newsletter to our guests about tips and development of the trip, a bit about the practical preparations and what we are continuously working on.
If you have chosen direct bank transfer, you can pay to the following bank details:
Bank: Danske Bank
Account number: 3409 13087393
IBAN: DK0730000013087393
Three weeks before the start of the trip, we also send weekly emails for the latest information and information. We look forward to opening the doors to experiences that we are sure live up to our slogan.
And of course you are always welcome to either write to us at or call us on +45 6141 6505.
Kind regards
Erik Bach Christophersen