When you buy a trip with Parnassos.dk
What is the process when you book a trip with us?
When you pay a deposit, or the full amount for your trip, your payment is ‘locked’ or earmarked. Our accountant must continuously document to the Travel Guarantee Fund that amounts paid are used exclusively for your particular trip. And that the finances of the company are otherwise healthy.
You immediately receive an automatic e-mail confirmation of your paid amount.
We will then send you an invoice specifying the journey.
After this, we will regularly – once a month – send out a newsletter to our guests about tips and tricks for the trip, a little about the practical preparations and what we are continuously working on in connection with the trip.
3 weeks before the start of the trip, we send emails to our guests at intervals of one week about the latest news and that everything is going according to plan.
We will also send a confirmation when we have received the full amount from you.
We look forward to opening the doors to experiences that we are sure live up to our slogan.
And of course you are always welcome to either write to us at overtoner@parnassos.dk or call +45 641 6505.