Travel regulations between Parnassos ApS and our travelers
Parnassos ApS is a member of the Danish equivalent to ABTA, Rejsegarantifonden, and has membership number 3404.
Below are a number of points of a legal nature. These are standard conditions for trips arranged by Danish travel agencies. Read them carefully. It’ll cost youfive minutes
General travel regulations for traveling with Parnassos ApS
All travel arrangements are subject to the ‘Package Travel Act’, which harmonizes the rules in Europe and provides extensive consumer protection. According to the legislation, travel agencies must be able to document that they have made consumers aware of all conceivable eventualities; the exact course of the journey, all formalities and costs, possible changes and, furthermore, the basis of the agreement must be clear when the journey is booked (ie before the booking is confirmed by paying a deposit).
All travelers are expected to have thoroughly familiarized themselves with the basis of the travel agreement. The basis of the agreement may consist of the following elements: brochure with price list, invoice, itinerary, general provisions, practical travel tips and the information on the back of the invoice. If the trip is ordered AND paid for through the website, the traveler has a duty to read and possibly print all relevant information and documents. The brochure and price list contain a thorough trip description, current prices and indication of expected extra costs as well as special provisions or information that are current in connection with the specific trip.
On the invoice: Here, lists all current information and information: participants’ names, regulations, etc. In addition, any deviations in relation to the brochure and the travel agency’s general regulations are stated. Regardless of what is stated elsewhere in the submitted material, the information on the invoice is current and applicable. When purchasing via the website, we recommend that you print the invoice, which is also a receipt for the order and payment.
Practical travel tips: In connection with our trips, we provide some practical travel tips. These are primarily intended as a help and service to our customers, but they also contain information of a more formal nature, which is why we assume that the participants are familiar with the content.
The registration for a trip is binding for both consumer and travel agency once the deposit has been paid.
A deposit is paid upon registration. The size of the amount can vary, but is most often DKK 3,000 per traveler.
You can find the date for the payment of the remaining amount in the shop section in the lower left corner (right next to the “travel in details” box). You are of course welcome to register for our trips, even if the last payment deadline has been passed. In that case, the full amount is paid when ordering.
Any travel documents will normally be forwarded so that you have them in your hands no later than 7 days before departure. If the deadline for payment is exceeded, the travel agency’s delivery obligation ceases. Attention is drawn to the fact that individual journeys have special payment conditions and often stricter cancellation conditions. This mainly applies to journeys outside the EU.
The following rules apply if no other provisions are stated on the invoice.
When canceling trips after final confirmation and payment of the deposit, a processing fee of 10% of the trip price is charged up to 40 days before departure.
In case of cancellation 40 days before departure, a fee of 33% of the trip price is charged.
In case of cancellation 10 days before departure, a fee of 66% of the price of the trip is charged.
In case of cancellation after this, we charge 90% of the price of the trip.
Slightly different conditions apply to our trip to Egypt in 2027 in connection with the total solar eclipse on 2 August, as we have to pay hotels and the like earlier than usual:
In case of cancellation 90 days before departure, a fee of 33% of the trip price is charged.
In case of cancellation 45 days before departure, a fee of 66% of the price of the trip is charged.
In case of cancellation after this, we charge 90% of the price of the trip.
For all our trips, if within a period of 14 days before the start of the trip acts of war, natural disasters, life-threatening infectious diseases and other similar events occur, the trip can be canceled free of charge. However, it will be a condition that the Danish authorities (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) directly advise against travel to the area in question and that the events have occurred after the travel was ordered.
It is always a good idea to take out insurance for eventualities that may arise that prevent you from completing the journey. For example, if you are affected by Corona. It behooves our travelers to find suitable insurance.
We provide information on vaccination requirements, but not necessarily on recommended prophylactic measures, which should be obtained from your own doctor or at the Travel Clinic, Ordrupvej 60, 2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark.
It is important for our guests to stay informed about changes in vaccination requirements.
Currently, it looks like we are out of the Covid crisis, but it is important for our guests to stay informed about changes in vaccination requirements.
The part of the journey that Parnassos Aps offers can be transferred to family or friends up to 7 working days before the start of the journey.
We do not charge a transfer fee. does not undertake the resale of a trip that has already been paid for. When the flight ticket is included in the price, however, 10 working days are required to change the name. A fee of DKK 600 may occur.
It should be noted that we continuously change our price lists and that a trip will always be sold at the current price, even if you are in possession of an outdated price list. It may therefore occur that a journey is sold at different prices.
This applies especially to our trip to Egypt, in connection with the solar eclipse on the 2nd of August 2027. Inflation is to be expected over such a long period.
The first 10% inflation is built into the price. Should inflation be above the 10% from the issue of the invoice until the start of the journey, we will adjust the price accordingly so that anything above 10% inflation is applied to the guest.
We follow the consumer price index from Statistics Denmark.
We can cancel a trip in case of insufficient connection. This will be done no later than two months before the start of the journey.
In that case, the customer has no claim to compensation – apart from a refund of the price of the trip, of course. If we cancel a trip due to lack of connection, we will always try to offer a real alternative.
As far as our upcoming trips to Rome and London are concerned, we currently have a sufficient number of guests for it to be carried out).
In principle, the agency cannot make significant changes to the course of the journey after the booking. It is therefore important to make the agency aware of special requirements/wishes in connection with booking the trip (e.g. hotel with tennis court, golf, diving, etc.).
Any prerequisites must be added to the invoice. The purpose is to protect the traveler against receiving a worse product than ordered, or for that matter a better but unwanted product. If this still happens, money will be refunded as well as compensation for documented losses (visa, vaccinations, etc.).
Unfortunately, the legislation does not take into account travel changes that are in the interests of the participants. On many of our adventure trips we work with late changes (where possible) to create the best trip possible, taking into account weather and other local conditions and events. Compensation is therefore not provided for delays and changes within 24 hours.
Travelers cannot normally expect compensation in connection with a delayed return home. The tour operator is not responsible for important tasks immediately after returning home.
All travelers must be properly covered by illness and repatriation insurance, etc. for overseas trips (outside Europe) where there is no health insurance cover. It is a prerequisite for participation in the trip that you act responsibly and considerately, including following the instructions of the agency and its representatives.
Should an accident occur, you will always be able to seek help at the Danish consulate or embassy or at the representations of the other EU countries, if Denmark is not represented in the country in question.
A number of taxes and fees are charged in connection with the issuing of the ticket, and are thus included in the price of the journey. However, some local taxes cannot be collected in advance and must be paid on the spot.
These are usually small city taxes that are collected by the hotel on arrival. These charges will normally be listed on your departure documents or in the day-to-day program for your reference. However, we must point out that the charges can change between the time of ordering and departure.
As already mentioned, your participation in the current trip requires that you are familiar with the information given, including information from brochures, invoices, itineraries, practical travel tips and that you follow the given instructions.
At the same time, you are expected to be familiar with general publicly available information about the current political, health and natural and climate situation at the destination.
It will always be clear from the travel description whether a particular trip makes special demands on physical and health. As a general rule, all travel participants must be self-sufficient. Wheelchair guests for example are welcome on many of our trips, but you must consult with the agency before booking the trip.